The purpose of this exercise is to become familiar with:
As always, while doing this exercise we will also see how to generate replicable and customizable reports. For this purpose the exercise uses the R Markdown capabilities (see Markdown Cheat Sheet or a basic introduction to R Markdown). These capabilities allow us to create dynamic reports. For example today’s date is 2016-01-19 (you need to see the .Rmd to understand that this is not a static typed-in date but it changes every time you compile the .Rmd - if the date changed of course).
Before starting, make sure you have pulled the exercise set 2 souce code files on your github repository (if you pull the course github repository you also get the exercise set files automatically). Moreover, make sure you are in the directory of this exercise. Directory paths may be complicated, and sometimes a frustrating source of problems, so it is recommended that you use these R commands to find out your current working directory and, if needed, set it where you have the main files for the specific exercise/project (there are other ways, but for now just be aware of this path issue). For example, assuming we are now in the “Data Analytics R version/INSEADAnalytics” directory, we can do these:
Note: as always, you can use the help
command in Rstudio to find out about any R function (e.g. type help(list.files)
to learn what the R function list.files
Let’s now see the exercise.
IMPORTANT: You should answer all questions by simply adding your code/answers in this document through editing the file ExerciseSet2.Rmd and then clicking on the “Knit HTML” button in RStudio. Once done, please post your .Rmd and html files in your github repository.
For this exercise we will use the Futures’ daily returns to develop what is considered to be a “classic” hedge fund trading strategy, a futures trend following strategy. There is a lot written about this, so it is worth doing some online search about “futures trend following”, or “Managed Futures”, or “Commodity Trading Advisors (CTA)”. There is about $300 billion invested on this strategy today, and is considered to be one of the oldest hedge fund strategies. Some example links are:
Of course there are also many starting points for developing such a strategy (for example this R bloggers one (also on github), or the turtle traders website which has many resources.
In this exercise we will develop our own strategy from scratch.
Note (given today’s market conditions): Prices of commodities, like oil or gold, can be excellent indicators of the health of the economy and of various industries, as we will also see below.
There are many ways to get futures data. For example, one can use the Quandl package, or the turtle traders resources, or (for INSEAD only) get data from the INSEAD library finance data resources website. One has to pay attention on how to create continuous time series from underlying contracts with varying deliveries (e.g. see here ). Using a combination of the resources above, we will use data for a number of commodities.
Let’s load the data and see what we have.
We have data from 2001-01-02 to 2015-09-24 of daily returns for the following 64 futures:
show_data = data.frame(colnames(futures_data))
m1 <- gvisTable(show_data, options = list(showRowNumber = TRUE, width = 1920,
height = min(400, 27 * (nrow(show_data) + 1)), allowHTML = TRUE, page = "disable"))
print(m1, "chart")
Let’s see how these are correlated. Let’s also make it look nicer (than, say, what we did in Exercise Set 1), using Google Charts (see examples online, e.g. examples and the R package used used ).The correlation matrix is as follows (note that the table is “dynamic”: for example you can sort it based on each column by clicking on the column’s header)
We see quite high correlations among some of the futures. Does it make sense? Why? Do you see some negative correlations? Do those make sense?
Given such high correlations, we can try to see whether there are some “principal components” (see reading on dimensionality reduction). This analysis can also indicate whether all futures (the global economy!) are driven by some common “factors” (let’s call them “risk factors”).
Variance_Explained_Table_results <- PCA(futures_data, graph = FALSE)
Variance_Explained_Table <- cbind(paste("component", 1:ncol(futures_data), sep = " "),
Variance_Explained_Table <-
colnames(Variance_Explained_Table) <- c("Component", "Eigenvalue", "Percentage_of_explained_variance",
Here is the scree plot (see Sessions 3-4 readings):
eigenvalues <- Variance_Explained_Table[, 2]
Let’s now see how the 20 first (rotated) principal components look like. Let’s also use the rotated factors (note that these are not really the “principal component”, as explained in the reading on dimensionality reduction) and not show any numbers less than 0.3 in absolute value, to avoid cluttering. Note again that you can sort the table according to any column by clicking on the header of that column.
corused = cor(futures_data[, apply(futures_data != 0, 2, sum) > 10, drop = F])
Rotated_Results <- principal(corused, nfactors = 20, rotate = "varimax", score = TRUE)
Rotated_Factors <- round(Rotated_Results$loadings, 2)
Rotated_Factors <-
colnames(Rotated_Factors) <- paste("Component", 1:ncol(Rotated_Factors), sep = " ")
sorted_rows <- sort(Rotated_Factors[, 1], decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)$ix
Rotated_Factors <- Rotated_Factors[sorted_rows, ]
Rotated_Factors[abs(Rotated_Factors) < 0.3] <- NA
Your Answers here:
We can now develop a simple futures trend following trading strategy, as outlined in the papers in the Exercise Introduction above. There are about $300 billion invested in such strategies! Of course we cannot develop here a sophisticated product, but with some more work…
We will do the following:
for this (try for example to see what this returns ma(1:10,2)
for this.Here is the code.
signal_used = 0 * futures_data # just initialize the trading signal to be 0
# Take many moving Average (MA) Signals and let them 'vote' with their sign
# (+-1, e.g. long or short vote, for each signal)
MAfreq <- seq(10, 250, by = 20)
for (iter in 1:length(MAfreq)) signal_used = signal_used + sign(apply(futures_data,
2, function(r) ma(r, MAfreq[iter])))
# Now make sure we invest $1 every day (so the sum of the absolute values of
# the weights is 1 every day)
signal_used = t(apply(signal_used, 1, function(r) {
res = r
if (sum(abs(r)) != 0)
res = r/sum(abs(r))
colnames(signal_used) <- colnames(futures_data)
# Now create the returns of the strategy for each futures time series
strategy_by_future <- scrub(shift(signal_used, 2) * futures_data) # use the signal from 2 days ago
# finally, this is our futures trend following strategy
trading_strategy = apply(strategy_by_future, 1, sum)
names(trading_strategy) <- rownames(futures_data)
Let’s see how this strategy does:
Here is how this strategy has performed during this period.
How does this compare with existing CTA products such as this one from Societe Generale? (Note: one can easily achieve a correlation of more than 0.8 with this specific product - as well as with many other ones)
above does for example - but not only of course, the possibilities are endless)Your Answers here:
Now you have seen how to develop some trading strategies that hedge funds have been using for centuries. Clearly this is only the very first step - as many of the online resources on technical indicators also suggest. Can you now explore more such strategies? How good a futures trend following hedge fund strategy can you develop? Let’s call this…. a class competition! Explore as much as you can and report your best strategy as we move along the course…
Here is for example something that can be achieved relatively easily…
Here is how this strategy has performed during this period.
Finally: One can develop (shiny based) interactive versions of this report and deploy them using shinyapps::deployApp('ExerciseSet2.Rmd')
(you need a account for this). This is for example an interactive version of this exercise.
As always, have fun