Useful Technical Resources

Resources for making nice plots and visualization tools

A list of example visualizations to explore

Another Visualization example

More visualization examples

More example code for nice plots

Google charts with R

A nice reading

Resources for making nice reports

A list of examples

Documentation for Knitr (PDF)

Resources for R

R reference card

R basics

The main R page

R Style Guide

R Comprehensive Guide

R Easy learning tutorial

Web Scraping in R

Yet another list of R packages

Using R for Psychological Research

Some Probability Distributions

A blog on R

Some tools to make R usable from Excel (if absolutely necessary!)

Resources for github

Git reference card

Some training videos

Git official comprehensive documentation

Computing with Style

The Elements of Computing Style: 180+ Tips for Busy Knowledge Workers (e-book)

Developing Reproducible Analytics and Research

A course on the topic